Monday, September 29, 2008

What am I doing?

I finally joined the ranks of the bloggers, after quite a few years of thinking blogs are ridiculous. Why did I start this? Well, I like to ramble, especially about books, so what better thing to do than write a blog about books? Nothing that's what! So, here I am. 
I started a project for myself at my job, yup you guessed it, "Project Mulberry." Pretty much the loose basis of my idea is that I read one book for every four foot section in my library. I started easy, with adult fiction and I plan on going through everything. I'm sure this will get difficult when I get to the non-fiction section since I have a fear of non-fiction materials (except for memoirs because most read as easily as novels do). Regardless, my goal is to read as many books as possible in my library, and hopefully to write about each book I decide to read. 
My initial problems with my project is that once you read a book, you go off on tangents of books you'd like to read, so I've gone way off track multiple times so far. On top of this obvious problem, there is the minor difficulty of finding a book within a specific section that you're interested in reading. It sounds easy, but once you start to do it, you realize what a book snob you really are. Or that, at the very least, you are stuck in a specific mind set of books you will pick up and/or look right over while browsing. So in my future blogs I'm going to let you in on all the difficulties I went threw picking the book that I actually read for the section, as well as the books I read between sections. So, having rambled through my first complete blog, I hope you come back to read my future posts. Thanks for stopping by ;)