Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Design Flaws

Well, I have failed again at this, but at least I haven't read 15 books since I signed in a month ago. The last book I read for my Project is still the book I talked about in the last post (The Design Flaws of the Human Condition by Paul Schmidtberger). My opinion of the book after finishing it is pretty much the same as it was when I was in the midst of its chapters. Eh.
  Two people meet each other at an anger management meeting, one who suspects her boyfriend is cheating and the other who caught his lover in bed with another man. Sounds promising... No. They become great friends, and the pretty much stalk each others boys to find out what the story is. Even the big ending where they kind of 'get back' at their significant others wasn't all that exciting. Bah! I feel like he wasted such a great title on a boring story. Boo to you Mr. Schimdtberger!

On a side note I have also read the following books this month, not related to Project Mulberry:
Slam by Nick Hornby (terrible)
Alvin Ho, Allergic to Girls, School and Other Scary Things by Lenore Look (precious) 
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (fantastic)
Battle Royale by Koushun Takami (graphic, violent, disturbing, still good)
Finally, I am currently reading: Paper Towns by John Green (so far it's good).